
Barack & Michelle Obama Launch Obama Foundation, Share Next Steps [VIDEO]

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Barack Obama x Michelle Obama
Photo Credit: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Barack and Michelle Obama may have said goodbye to the White House today, but they will still be working to create change as private citizens. Just hours before Donald Trump was sworn in as President, the Obamas announced the launch of the Obama Foundation, “a living, working center for citizenship.”

The foundation, based on the South Side of Chicago, will serve as ground zero for their post-White House work, including creating nonprofits and programs in their hometown, throughout the country and the world. With that, the former president and first lady are asking Americans to get involved by sending in their ideas and inspirations to help shape the organization via their website,

“This will be your presidential center as much as it is ours so we want you to tell us what we should be thinking about as we get to work,” said Michelle.

“True democracy is a project that is much bigger than any one of us. It’s bigger than any one person, any one president, any one government. It’s a job for all of us,” added Barack. “We look forward to joining you in that effort as fellow citizens.”


Afrockin founder. front woman for BoRN RELiC. editor. rocker. poet. spoken soul and performance artist. renaissance chic. writer/ journalist/ lover/ friend/ community activist/ spiritual advisor/ revolutionary/ and whatever damn else u need her to be.

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