
Eargasm: Caine Casket’s ‘StarDust’ Is The Sound You’ve Been Waiting For

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Caine Casket

Seriously loving the musical and artistic growth my youngest sibling Caine Casket has been serving over the past year. At 23, he’s already earned the titles of emcee, producer, vocalist, graphic artist and visual director. And, he’s pretty bad ass at all of them.

Caine dropped a new single StarDust earlier this month that just might be the sound you’ve been looking for. It’s a spacey offering showcasing his ability to seamlessly move between lyrical cadences and fluttering harmonies while taking you on his latest galactic journey through a medley of star-gazing keys and floating drums.

I don’t cosign much (family or not), so press play below and let me know what you think.


Afrockin founder. front woman for BoRN RELiC. editor. rocker. poet. spoken soul and performance artist. renaissance chic. writer/ journalist/ lover/ friend/ community activist/ spiritual advisor/ revolutionary/ and whatever damn else u need her to be.

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