
reclaiming myself…

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Photo Credit: hennyxharmon

since relocating to Minneapolis, i have been describing my length of time in here baby months versus adult time. didn’t even notice it until i met another New Jersey-transplant (!) and she did the same thing! 

them: how long have you been in Minneapolis?

me: 12 months. 

i was convinced to come here to explore some new opportunities, but all i could see was the cold — in the weather and the people. i couldn’t see the culture or the jewels. i wanted Brooklyn back. i legit didn’t even unpack until May when i took on the parttime role as EIC at MN pokesman-Recorder which forced me to limit my travels.

it was then that i realized i had spent the entire time trying so hard not to be here (traveling weeks at a time), that i really haven’t been anywhere or able to hold onto anything, including my identity.

i have been “isis” since i was 12. performed under the name since i was 17. i worked so hard to put my mark on it as a brand as (i am) isis, digitally, socially and to have snatched from me by mainstream media to name a terrorist org hurt more than i originally processed.

i renamed the band. Born Relic is dope, but not all of who i am. so for the past couple of years, i’ve really struggled with finding myself. at least that’s what i thought i was doing. searching. finding. rebranding. everything but being still. 

no. i’m not looking for myself. i’ve never truly been lost, just blinded. i’m reclaiming who i’ve always, without fear or apology. 

and, so, i’m here in Minneapolis. and am going to make the most of these coming 10 months. i picked up the mic for the first time in over a year and am looking forward to a new chapter in this book called “life.” 

and that includes this site. it was supposed to be this epic tome — it may still one day grow into that. but, right now, it will be my collection of things move me in culture, beauty and identity. hopefully, they will move you, too.


Afrockin founder. front woman for BoRN RELiC. editor. rocker. poet. spoken soul and performance artist. renaissance chic. writer/ journalist/ lover/ friend/ community activist/ spiritual advisor/ revolutionary/ and whatever damn else u need her to be.

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